Photo by SPAO alum Leah Mowers
Check the current part-time calendar to see if this class is running. Email to express your interest in this class!
This class is a step-by-step introduction to modern studio flash equipment and the techniques that enable photographers to harness studio lighting.
Explore beautiful light (hard/soft, warm/cold, high key/low key, shadows and highlights) and learn the quality of light created using today’s flash hardware. Students will learn how components of flash systems work, and will experiment with various lighting scenarios.
Subjects covered will include:
Flash safety,
Modeling lights,
Power packs/monolights,
Synching with camera,
Key/fill/kicker lights,
Gobos, and more
Participants are encouraged to bring in a sample (magazine clipping, digital file, photograph, etc.) of a lighting technique that they would like to emulate.
DSLR Camera and lenses are required. Students are encouraged to bring their electronic flash, tripod and any additional lighting gear. Participants are expected to have a working knowledge of their equipment.
Recommended: Digital Photography I: Foundation or equivalent.
After completing Studio Lighting I: Foundation, consider these potential next steps: