Photo by SPAO alum Michael Kuby
Check the current part-time calendar to see if this class is running. Email part-time@spao.ca to express your interest in this class!
Many Speedlites remain parked in a drawer or gear bag and are only used when they are really needed. Camera manufacturers promise us "balanced fill-flash," and yet we wind up with “deer in the headlights” lighting and a complicated menu system to navigate.
This workshop aims to demystify the Speedlite and bring out its full potential as a remarkable lighting tool. Using simple tools and techniques, photographers will learn how to apply just the right quantity and quality of light to a scene, to achieve a natural look in their flash images.
So, dust off the Speedlite, find your instruction manual, and bring a few batteries for a hands-on flash exploration. Enrolment is limited to ensure one-on-one attention.
DSLR cameras and a flash are required for this course.
Digital Photography I: Foundation or equivalent
After completing Speedlite I, consider these potential next steps: