Critical Content
Photo by SPAO alum Angelina Barucco
Check the current part-time calendar to see if this class is running. Email to express your interest in this class!
It could be argued that the book is the ‘first and proper home of the photographic image,’ and today, presenting your own work is easier than ever with self-publishing technologies readily available online. But how do you ensure that your book conveys the concepts crucial to your vision through writing, image selection, post-production, graphic design, paper choice, and more?
In Bookmaking: Critical Content, students are provided with the space, time and context to unpack ideas, explore themes, and create fascinating juxtapositions between text and image. In these eight sessions, SPAO Director of Education and master printmaker Michael Tardioli will work with you to develop a book concept or enhance an already-existing book project. Sessions will be spent considering historical and contemporary book forms and defining production workflows with a focus on content, book parts, editing + sequencing and online book printing options.
Students must have a computer with post-production software installed such as Photoshop CS5 or later, Lightroom or InDesign. A reasonably priced monthly photographers package (including both Photoshop and Lightroom) can be found on the Adobe website. Participants must also word processing software available for use. The Google suite provides a free word processing option that can be used while connected to the internet. As this is an advanced-level course, participants should be proficient in the use of their computer and one form of post-production imaging software.
Recommended: Bookmaking: InDesign, Printmaking I: Foundation
After completing Bookmaking II: Critical Content, consider these potential next steps: