The SPAO Centre benefits from the professional skills, expertise, associations, and oversight of its Gallery Advisory Committee. Members meet twice per year (approximately every six months). If you wish to be considered for membership on the Gallery Advisory Committee, please send an expression of interest by filling out this form.
Tim desClouds is an Ottawa-based artist, born in Montreal and raised in Ottawa. He has been an educator, and arts advocate for well over 40 years. He has served on both the Ottawa Art Gallery and Gallery Saw Board of Directors. Tim has recently retired from a 30 year teaching career at Canterbury High School Regional Programme for the Arts within the district of the Ottawa – Carleton Board of Education. Tim’s artwork is represented by Galerie St Laurent plus Hill in Ottawa. He has created numerous public art works throughout Ontario and Quebec, and his work has been acquired for numerous corporate, private and government collections throughout North America.
Professor Emeritus TMU
Don Snyder has an extensive background in photographic history, curation and writing for visual media. He was the first Curator of Photography at the Addison Gallery of American Art, where he originated the museum's photography exhibition program. At TMU, he established the first Image Arts Gallery in the downtown arts district and was instrumental in the founding of Function, the School's annual publication of student work, essays and interviews. He has taught in the Communication and Culture MA program, the Film and Photography Preservation and Collections Management MA program, and the Documentary Media MFA program, and has twice served as Chair of the School of Image Arts.
Head Conservator of Photographic Materials Library and Archives Canada
Tania Passafiume has been the Head Conservator of Photographic Materials for Library and Archives Canada since 2005. After graduating from Queen’s University with a Master’s in Art Conservation (specializing in photographs, works on paper and book conservation), she moved to Rochester, New York. It was in Rochester at the George Eastman House where she remained for over three years, first participating in the Certificate Program in Photographic Preservation and Archival Practice and then as a Fellow in the first cycle of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in the Advanced Residency Program in Photograph Conservation.
Scholar and Independent Curator
Sarah E.K. Smith is a scholar and curator whose research explores contemporary art and museums, with an interest in how artworks and institutions provide a lens to address cultural diplomacy, cultural labour, and cultural policies. An Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at Western University, Sarah also holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Art, Culture and Global Relations. Sarah is also a core member of the Open Art Histories initiative, a collective of Canadian scholars in communication, art history, visual arts, and museum studies, who aim to advance discussions on the pedagogy of visual culture. Sarah maintains an active independent curatorial practice and previously worked as Curator of Contemporary Art at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre. She is currently contributing to Western University’s Centre for Sustainable Curating.
Recording Secretary
Katie Lydiatt is a curator, researcher, and arts administrator living and working in so-called Ottawa. She holds an MA in Art History and Curatorial Studies from Carleton University. Her MA research investigated issues of belonging, locality and citizenship in the context of photographer John Paskievich's images of Winnipeg's North End. She has formerly held positions at SAW Gallery, the Carleton University Art Gallery, the National Gallery of Canada, and served as Editor for the RENDER Graduate Journal of Arts and Culture in 2019. She is currently the Gallery Manager and Residency Coordinator at the SPAO Photographic Arts Centre.
This committee meets twice per year (approximately every 6 months).