detail of image by SPAO alumnus Richard Robesco

detail of image by SPAO alumnus Richard Robesco

This is the centerpiece module of the Photographic Arts and Production diploma program. Here students present their independent work and final portfolio and exhibition projects for public engagement. All other module work has been in service to preparing students for the presentation of their work which culminates in a major group exhibition in the SPAO Gallery.

Students draw on technical, conceptual, and visual knowledge and skills to produce professional portfolios and exhibition displays. Prominence is placed on the final presentation of printed work for public display and reception; multimedia materials are also encouraged. Individual presentations will be organized with the guidance of instructors and students will be expected to apply the various skills learned over the course of the diploma program to assist. Success will be measured by a student’s creativity, uniqueness, professionalism and technical ability as interpreted in the final presentation of their work.

Learning Component:
Seminar Instructor-led seminar
Mediated learning: non-instructor supervised, labs

Student Evaluation Elements: 
Directed Practice Portfolio Development & Production Component 40%
Directed Practice Exhibition Development & Production Component 40%
History and Theory of Photography Component 20%
Total 100%