image by SPAO alumna Xia Li
In Portfolio Concepts / Exhibition Design, students refine the artistic presentation of their work and deepen their portfolio and exhibition ideas through exposure to advanced historical and contemporary strategies for presenting visual fine art projects and prints.
A series of lectures addresses the role of the portfolio, the history and importance of the visual fine art book, book design and binding strategies and techniques, and the role and importance of editing. Students also study exhibition and museum design strategies in historical and contemporary contexts and learn about issues such as gallery lighting, the roles of supporting documentation, and marketing and promotion strategies. A vital component of this module involves the crafting of the individuals own words to best represent their vision and career direction. Finally students are introduced to issues such as branding and developing and managing a visual fine arts practice.
Learning Component:
Classroom lectures
Student independent research
Instructor supervised labs/critiques
Non-instructor supervised labs
Student Evaluation Elements:
Advanced Concepts and Design Component 65%
History and Theory of Photography Component 35%
Total 100%